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我国是世界上首屈一指的农业大国,因此我国从事农业生产的人非常多,从而构成了我国巨大人口基数的农民群众,他们是国家组成的重要部分。为了促进农业经济发展,改善民生,让老百姓过上更好的生活,党委政府已制定多项惠民政策,但是由于人民对政策知晓率不高,从而影响政策实施的效果。因此,如何做好党的惠民政策宣传,已经成为目前当务之急的工作。 As China is the leading agricultural country in the world, there are so many people engaged in agricultural production in our country that it constitutes the peasant masses with a huge population base in our country. They are an important part of our country. In order to promote the development of agricultural economy, improve people’s livelihood, and make ordinary people live a better life, the party committee and government have formulated many Huimin policies. However, the people’s awareness of policies is not high, thus affecting the effectiveness of policy implementation. Therefore, how to do a good job in promoting the party’s policy of benefiting the people has become an urgent task at present.
习近平总书记指出,在新的时代条件下,党的新闻舆论工作的职责和使命是:高举旗帜、引领导向,围绕中心、服务大局,团结人民、鼓舞士气,成风化人、凝心聚力,澄清谬误、明辨是非,联接中外、沟通世界。作为党的重要舆论工具的党刊必须充分认识自己肩负的职责和使命,坚持党性和人民性相统一,努力做好党的喉舌,为党鼓与呼为人民代言。  党刊为党鼓与呼,是由其性质决定的。党刊姓“党”。党刊作为党和政府的宣传阵地,就是要高