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  (Entertainment Weekly)的记者走进拍摄现场一探究竟。
  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – the seventh
  and final Potter novel – sold more than 11 million copies
  in just 24 hours when it 1)debuted in July 2007, making
  it the fastest-selling book in history. It’s probably the fastest-read one, too. While there are no 2)statistics to prove it, millions of readers raced through J. K.
  Rowling’s 759 pages at a Snitch注1-like pace that
  summer, desperate to discover the ultimate fate of the Boy Who Lived. Speeding through the film adaptation, though, won’t be an option. The Deathly Hallows, as most Potter fans already know, has been split into two films. Warner Bros. will release Part I on Nov. 19th. Part II will arrive next summer, on July 15th.
  As Part I begins, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint), and Hermione (Emma Watson) have left Hogwarts and are on the run from Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) and the Death Eaters, who have taken over England’s Ministry of Magic. The 3)trio needs to find and destroy the remaining horcruxes注2 – objects that contain bits of Voldemort’s soul – as well as battle dark forces and their own doubts and demons to do it. “Part I is quite real,” says director David Yates, who also 4)helmed The Order of the Phoenix and The Half-Blood Prince. “You feel that these three kids are
  5)refugees. They’re almost homeless, and it feels interesting
  seeing them removed from the 6)haven of Hogwarts.”
  Part II will lead to a massive battle at the school, the death of several main characters, and Harry’s final
  7)confrontation with the Dark Lord. “I didn’t want the two films to feel similar in tone,” Yates says. “So Part II is much more operatic and colorful and fantasy-8)oriented. What gives you the 9)through-line between the films are these characters and the real relationship the audience has developed with them.”
  It’s such a real relationship, in fact, that some fans were 10)peeved when Warner Bros. announced that the final book would be halved for the screen. Potterites didn’t want to wait an extra eight months for closure and were
  11)suspicious that the studio was just being greedy. Despite the filmmakers’ 12)insistence that the choice to split the films was made for creative reasons – to be as faithful to the books as
  possible – some fans still believe the decision was made for
  purely 13)commercial reasons. “The key word there is purely,”
  says Warner Bros. Entertainment president Alan Horn. “I don’t want to be dishonest about this. There’s no question that
  Warner Bros. will make more money with two films than they would have with one. But we also never, ever would have done this if Jo Rowling had not supported it, and if we didn’t feel that we were providing a better 14)finale, with a more full sense of closure. We just respect and love the books too much for that.”
  They should. The six Potter movies have earned more than $5.4 billion worldwide, making it the highest-15)grossing 16)franchise
  in film history. More important to fans, though, the movies to date have maintained a 17)consistent quality – and a faithfulness to Rowling’s books – despite having four different directors. Even more 18)miraculous, the central cast has remained almost entirely 19)intact. (Richard Harris, the original Dumbledore, died in 2002 and was replaced by Michael Gambon.) And although they’ve grown up with fame, all three young stars are leaving their ten years spent at Hogwarts untouched by scandal or 20)adolescent self-destruction.
  Nevertheless, the trio all seem to be experiencing some
  senioritis注3 on the 21)set at Leavesden Studios. “I’m ready to kind of move on now, I think,” Grint says between 22)takes. “This film is a great way to finish the whole
  23)era, and it’s going to be sad, because
  obviously all my friends are here, but ten years is enough.” The three of them are shooting a scene in the Room of Requirement in which Harry, Ron, and Hermione are searching for a horcrux. Watson and Grint are both 24)sopping
  wet. (In the film, Ron and Hermione
  have recently destroyed another
  horcrux in water and were pursued by a
  Voldemort-shaped 25)tsunami.) Grint and
  Watson are kept soaked by crew members, who spray the pair down every few minutes. It’s not
  making Watson happy. “It’s been this way for weeks,” she says, shivering next to a space heater. “I hate to sound 26)whiny, but it’s horrible. It’s miserable
  being wet all the time.” She shrugs and adds: “But, you know, I was told it will look very dramatic when you see the films, so it will be worth it.”
  Radcliffe, meanwhile, seems to be in a 27)tug-of-war with himself about finishing his run as Harry Potter. “This film has been hard to make, and I’ve had some of the most 28)trying moments, both physically and 29)mentally, than ever before,” he says during a break. “I wasn’t entirely 30)thrilled with my performance in Half-Blood – I found it quite
  31)samey, and didn’t think there was enough
  32)variation in it – so I’ve worked hard to make sure that if the seventh film comes out and I’m still unhappy with it, I’ll know it won’t be from lack of
  trying.” He pauses. “We’ve got a long way to go, but to be honest, I don’t mind. I love being here. There is no place else I’d rather be.”
  The three Potter stars have always been
  polite to visitors over the years, and they’ve been grateful for their extraordinary experiences. Still, they are also young people moving into their 20s – Radcliffe and Grint are 21, and Watson is 20. And so while the adults around them may be
  33)nostalgic about the long Potter journey, Grint, Watson, and Radcliffe are looking forward. “We shot for a very long time, by any standards,” Yates says of the final two films. “Dan and
  Rupert were on set for a year – and there were phases,
  periods, where they all felt like, ‘God, we just gotta get to the end of it. We need closure.’ But from my point of view, they were also very 34)committed to giving their best because this was their last opportunity to be these characters.”
  As production on the two films wound down this
  summer, the three stars faced the 35)prospect of having to film their final scene together. “It was 36)bizarre,” Watson
  said. “Walking onto set that day, there was this thick
  atmosphere. It felt like a moment in history. It felt really big.” In the scene, Harry, Ron, and Hermione have broken into the Ministry of Magic. They 37)jinx a woman and drag her into a tiny storage area. So the final frame ever shot of all three
  actors together takes place in a 38)cramped little room.
  “These three characters have been in the most
  fantastical situations at Hogwarts – they’ve been in the Dark Forest, all these extraordinary places,” says Yates. “It was an odd way to finish, really.” But poetic, perhaps,
  considering that the whole series began with a boy who lived in a tiny room under the stairs of a house on Privet Drive. “In a way,” says Yates, “the series started with a
  cupboard and ended with one.”
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It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart  Without saying a word you can light up the dark  Try as I may I could never explain  What I hear when you don’t say a thing    *The smile on your face
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