每时每刻,世界上都有美容新产品上市,各种各样的美容品都向你许着使你更年轻、皱纹减少、光彩照人等种种美丽的承诺。它们的标签上,贴着各种神秘的配方,想要告诉你物有所值。但是,一般人很难读懂标签上的专用词语,更不了解它们到底有什么用处。下面就告诉你,你的钱都花在什么上了。 果酸(AHAS)提取自牛奶和苹果等天然物质。能促进细胞新陈代谢,加快死皮的消除。从皮肤
Every moment, the world has new beauty products on the market, a variety of beauty products to you to make you make you younger, reduce wrinkles, brilliant and all kinds of beautiful promise. Their label, with a variety of mysterious formula, want to tell you value for money. However, it is difficult for most people to read the special words on the label, but also do not know what is the use of them. Here’s to tell you, what is your money spent on it. Acid (AHAS) is extracted from natural substances such as milk and apples. Can promote cell metabolism, accelerate the elimination of dead skin. From the skin