1982年是对刚刚萌芽的个人计算市场充满伟大期盼的一年。就在这一年,PC Magazine出版了它的第一期刊物。IBM在一年前推出的一台机器把个人计算市场引入了前途无量的发展空间。在此后的20年间。PC Magazine记录了这个不断发展的市场前进的脚步,并亲历了个人电脑从专业人员的实验室逐渐走入广大民众的办公室和起居室的整个过程。在下面的文章里,PC Magazine的主编Michael J.Miller将同大家一起回顾这项神奇发明走过的精彩历程。
1982 was a year of great expectations for the budding personal computing market. In that year, PC Magazine published its first issue. A machine launched by IBM a year ago brought the personal computing market to a promising future. In the next 20 years. PC Magazine recorded the pace of this evolving market and witnessed the entire process of personal computers gradually moving from the professionals’ laboratories into the general public’s office and living room. In the following article, Michael J. Miller, editor-in-chief of PC Magazine, will review the amazing journey that this magical invention has taken.