按照建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,研究所有制结构变革的历史、现状及发展趋势,在坚持以公有制为主体的前提下,促进多种经济成分共同发展,具有重大的理论和实践意义。本报告从五个方面对此作了分析:(1) 所有制的历史演化及其基本特征;(2) 各种经济成分的发展状况及其存在问题;(3) 各种经济成分竞争条件比较;(4) 90年代我国所有制结构预测与分析;(5) 统一认识,完善政策,促进各种经济成分健康发展。全文分两部分于本刊连载。
In accordance with the requirements of establishing a socialist market economic system, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the history, status quo and development trends of the structural changes of ownership by insisting that public ownership be the mainstay while promoting the common development of various economic sectors. This report analyzes the following five aspects: (1) the historical evolution of ownership and its basic characteristics; (2) the development of various economic components and their existing problems; (3) the comparison of the competition conditions of various economic components; and (4) Forecast and analysis of the ownership structure in our country in the 1990s; (5) Unite our understanding and improve policies to promote the healthy development of all kinds of economic components. The full text is divided into two parts in this serial.