
来源 :中国茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyi1983
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茶文化是中国几千年文明史的象征之一。在漫长的社会发展过程中,茶的发现及饮用,证实了茶的兴奋、醒脑功能以及各种健身作用。由于茶与生活的关系越来越密切,茶被列为开门七件事之一。久而久之,茶便被人们引入精神文化活动之中,引伸出茶道、茶礼、茶德、茶艺、茶宴、茶禅之类的概念与形式。茶文化发展至现代,茶的社会功能就越愈突出,归纳其重要方面大致有:以茶会友、以茶联谊、以茶示礼、以茶养性、以茶表德、以茶倡廉、以茶为媒、以茶作禅、以茶献艺、以茶作诗、以茶作画、以茶旅游、以茶做菜、以茶为食、以茶设宴、以茶健身、以茶制药等项。 以茶会友:以茶会友,客来敬茶向来是中华民族的优良传统。唐代不少诗人就有以茶会友的诗句,如钱起《与赵莒茶宴》云:“竹下忘言对紫茶,全胜羽客醉流霞。”现代诗人柳亚子与毛泽东“饮茶粤海”、文人鲁迅与好友上茶馆、茶楼,啜茗畅谈已为常事。当今社会, Tea culture is one of the symbols of China’s civilization history for thousands of years. In the long process of social development, the discovery and consumption of tea confirmed the excitement, refreshment function and various fitness functions of tea. As the relationship between tea and life becomes more and more close, tea is listed as one of the seven things that open the door. As time passes, tea is introduced into the spiritual and cultural activities by people, leading to the concepts and forms of tea ceremony, tea ceremony, tea ceremony, tea ceremony, tea ceremony and tea ceremony. The development of tea culture to the modern, the more prominent the social function of the tea, the general induction of its important aspects are: the tea party friends, tea friendship, tea ceremony, to tea, tea, morality with tea, Tea is the media, with tea as a meditation, tea performance, tea as poetry, tea painting, tea travel, tea making, food for tea, tea party, fitness with tea, tea and other items . Friends to the tea party: Friends of the tea party, Kelai tea has always been the fine tradition of the Chinese nation. Many poets in the Tang Dynasty have poems from tea party friends, such as Qian Qi and “Zhao Zhao Tea Ceremony,” saying: "Takeshita Takeshita speaks purple tea, , Writer Lu Xun and friends on the teahouse, restaurant, sip tea talk has been commonplace. In today’s society,
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