黑龙江省嫩江地区有一种质地细腻、粒度均匀、吸水率高、吸附性强、比表面积大、孔隙率高、堆密度小、储量可观、与硅藻土具有相同用途的一种轻质页岩,有的称蛋白土、板状硅藻土,有的称硅质页岩、方英石页岩等,笔者称火山灰质硅藻石。通过近十几年的研究,证明它是一种用途广泛的重要的非金属矿。 1.作助滤剂 将其细碎配入硅藻土制成了复合型助滤剂,经5家啤酒厂作啤酒过滤试验,滤速为18t/h,助滤剂单耗1.2kg/t酒。过滤后的啤酒,酒花香明显、爽口、无异味、清亮透明、有光泽。现已建年产3000t助滤剂生产线一条。
The Nenjiang region of Heilongjiang Province has a kind of lightweight shale with fine texture, uniform grain size, high water absorption, strong adsorption, large specific surface area, high porosity, small bulk density, considerable reserves, and the same use as diatomaceous earth. Some called protein soil, plate-shaped diatomaceous earth, some called siliceous shale, cristobalite shale, etc., I call pozzolanic diatomite. Through more than a dozen years of research, it has been proved that it is an important non-metallic mineral that is widely used. 1. As a filter aid, the fine filter was mixed with diatomite to form a complex filter aid. The beer filtration test was conducted at 5 breweries. The filtration rate was 18t/h, and the filter aid consumption was 1.2kg/t. . The filtered beer has a clear, refreshing, odorless, clear, transparent and shiny wine. An annual output of 3000t filter aid production line has been built.