名优特产大媲美 奏响品牌交响曲——首届中国(山西)特色产业博览会盛大举行

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10月21日至25日,由山西省商务厅、省特产贸易促进会共同主办的首届中国(山西)特色产业博览会在山西省展览馆盛大举行“。特博会”以“物华天宝,丰腴山西”为主题,旨在弘扬山西文化,助推山西转型,塑造山西品牌,推广山西特产。 From October 21 to October 25, the first China (Shanxi) Special Industry Expo co-sponsored by the Shanxi Provincial Department of Commerce and the Provincial Specialties and Products Promotion Council held a grand exhibition in Shanxi Province Exhibition Hall. , Feng 腴 Shanxi "as the theme, aimed at carrying forward Shanxi culture, boosting the transformation of Shanxi, shaping the Shanxi brand, promotion of Shanxi specialty.