1 加强投喂夏季水温在 2 0~ 2 8℃ ,鱼群生长最旺 ,饲料效率最高 ,这时应增加投喂。精饲料每天投喂 1~ 2次 ,鲜活贝类每天投喂 1次。投饵量可根据以下具体情况来灵活掌握。(1)池鱼摄食情况 :精饲料以投下后半小时内吃完为适度 ,青饲料以当天吃完为度 ,贝类以下次投喂前吃完?
1 to strengthen the feeding Summer water temperature at 20 ~ 28 ℃, fish growth is the most prosperous, feed the highest efficiency, then you should increase the feeding. Refined feed 1 to 2 times a day, fresh shellfish fed 1 day. The feeding amount can be flexibly grasped according to the following specific situations. (1) fish consumption situation: fine feed to eat within half an hour after eating moderate, green fodder to eat the same day, the shellfish fed the next time before eating?