Effect of Different pH on Fluorescence Emission Spectra, Light Energy Transfer and Dissociation of Phycobilisomes from Anabaenavariabilis. In pH7 phosphate buffer solution, phycobilisomes are stable and do not dissociate. In pH6,8,9,10 phosphate buffer solution, phycobilisomes are still in a more stable state, there is no dissociation. Phycobilisomes dissociated weakly in pH5, 5.5 and 10.5 phosphate buffered solutions. In pH4.5 buffer solution, phycobilisomes obviously dissociated. The phycobilisomes were severely dissociated in pH 4 and 11 buffer solutions; the light energy captured by phycocyanin, C-phycocyanin, and allophycocyanin was no longer delivered to the end emitters