本案位于泰国中部著名的海滨度假胜地Cha-Am海滩,是一套以积木熊为主题的三层楼住宅。其业主是一对痴迷于布里克百变小熊(Be@rbrick)的兄妹收藏者(布里克百变小熊是由日本玩具公司MEDICOM TOY出品的一系列积木熊玩具。百变小熊从第一代推出至今已有九代,是兼具流行性及收藏、保值价值的明星玩偶。)。室内建筑设计公司Onion受业主委托对这栋宽8米,长28米的长方形建筑进行改造,为业主打造一个海滨度假屋。空间布局的比例在本案中至关重要。室内的整个设计过程并非从房屋本身,而是从放置17只积木熊的陈列柜着手,建成后的陈列柜将成为整个空间的亮点之一。设计师以台阶、梯子和孔洞
The case is located on Cha-Am Beach, a popular seaside resort in central Thailand. It is a three-story house with the theme of bears. The owner is a pair of brother and sister collectors obsessed with Bertrick (Bear Bumblebee is a series of toy bear toys from Japanese toy company MEDICOM TOY. Has been launched on behalf of nine generations, is both popular and collection, value-added star dolls.). Onion, an interior design firm commissioned by the owner to renovate this 8-meter-wide, 28-meter-long rectangular building to create a beachfront holiday home for its owners. The proportion of the spatial layout is of crucial importance in this case. The interior design process is not from the house itself, but rather from the showcase in which the 17 building blocks bear are placed. Once built, the display case will become one of the highlights of the entire space. Designer with stairs, ladders and holes