冬小麦新品系H278是宁夏农业生物技术重点实验室与中国农科院作物所小麦生物技术育种室合作,通过花药培育技术,经几年的定向选择培育出来的。1 特征特性幼苗葡匐状、抗寒力强、返青快、分蘖成穗率高,平均每穗40粒左右,千粒重43g左右,叶色深绿,旗叶上举、大小适中。株高88c?
The new winter wheat line H278, a key laboratory of agricultural biotechnology in Ningxia, cooperates with the wheat biotechnology breeding room of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science Crops and is cultivated by oriental selection through years of anther culture. 1 Characteristics of seedling prostates, strong cold, green fast, tillering into a high rate of ear, an average of about 40 per spike, grain weight about 43g, dark green leaves, the flag leaves on the move, the size is moderate. Height 88c?