To investigate the reasonable course of treatment of partial seizures in children with epilepsy, part of the seizures and epilepsy were followed up from 1984 to 1993 in two groups. A, 118 cases, the rule of treatment until the onset of control after 3 years of withdrawal; B group of 40 cases, 6 months after the onset of control to 1 year withdrawal. Both groups were followed up for 3 years after discontinuation. The recurrence rate was 26.3% in group A and 85.0% in group B, with significant difference (P <0.001). Most of the two groups had relapse within 2 years after discontinuation. EEG epilepsy disappeared more lag behind clinical seizure control. The results suggest that partial seizures in children with epilepsy should continue treatment for more than 3 years after the seizure control. Care should be taken to discontinue children with focal or diffuse spine-to-chronic multiple-echocardiographically occurring EEG, and it is important to continue follow-up after withdrawal.