
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyw6623
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为了确保我军完成多样化军事任务,必须从体系建设的角度出发,从建立健全装备动员组织机构、拓展装备动员产业基础、搞好装备动员潜力调查、制定装备动员预案与实施装备动员训练、完善装备动员法规制度等方面入手,加强装备动员体系能力建设,提高装备保障的整体效能。 In order to ensure that our military accomplish diversified military tasks, we must start from the angle of system construction, from establishing and improving the equipment mobilization organization, expanding the industrial base of equipment mobilization, improving the investigation of the potential of equipment mobilization, formulating equipment mobilization plans and implementing equipment mobilization training, Equipment mobilization regulations and other aspects to enhance capacity building equipment mobilization system to improve the overall effectiveness of equipment support.
<正> 社会发展有其自身所固有的规律,这是毫无疑问的。当我们说社会发展是有规律的时候,实际上也就是在说社会历史发展的道路和方向“不以人的意志为转移”,是由社会发展自身
<正> 真理观与价值观的统一,不仅是唯物史观的基本方法论原则,而且始终是中国革命和建设中的一个基本问题。中国共产党所实现的两次历史性飞跃,不仅体现了理论和实际的统一,