135 cases of elderly patients over the age of 60 esophageal foreign body for diagnosis and treatment analysis, esophageal foreign body removed in 130 cases (96.3%), discharged from the intestine in 1 case, vomiting in 2 cases, 2 cases removed by the neck approach. Esophageal foreign body diagnosis must be combined with history, signs, X-ray examination. On the dentures and other complex foreign body should be used general anesthesia, large diameter esophagoscopy, with a forceps clamping, and the denture ring out of the esophageal wall, transposition in the esophageal entrance can improve the success rate. On the hook with false teeth can not be forced to pull, so as not to cause tearing of the esophageal wall, if necessary, thoracic surgery, the case of concurrent esophageal perforation, such as larger perforation, conservative treatment hopeless healing, thoracic surgery should be repaired as soon as possible.