1996年,世界经济论坛大会在瑞士召开。按照有关规定,我国政府代表团里要有一名企业界人士。代表团团长、国家经贸委副主任陈清泰选中了北京新型建材有限公司(简称“北新”)总经理、40岁的工商管理学博士研究生宋志平。今年,宋志平又当选为党的十五大代表,是国家经贸委系统唯一的企业界代表。宋志平当国有企业的帅,确有与众不同的心路。理清 ABC1993年1月,36岁的宋志平挑起了北新总厂(公司前身)厂长的担子。等待他的是一个投产10年,却走上了下坡路的厂子:自1987年起的6年中,销售总额始终停留在1亿元;1993年初在银行的存款仅剩几十万元;70年代末引进的设备已陈旧;职工年收入多年低于北京市平均水平;当年送到德国学习石膏板生产技术的20名骨干跳槽走了19人……许多干部、工人已对企
In 1996, the World Economic Forum was held in Switzerland. According to relevant regulations, there should be one business person in our government delegation. Chen Qingtai, head of the delegation and deputy director of the State Economic and Trade Commission, selected Song Zhiping, the 40-year-old Ph.D. student in business administration, for his appointment as the general manager of Beijing New Building Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Beixin”). This year, Song Zhiping was re-elected as the party’s 15th National Congress and the sole representative of the business sector of the State Economic and Trade Commission. Song Zhiping handsome state-owned enterprises, there is indeed a different mind. Clear ABC In 1993 January, 36-year-old Song Zibing provoked Beixin Plant (company predecessor) director of the burden. Waiting for him is a factory put into operation for 10 years, but on the downslope: total sales have remained at 100 million yuan for six years starting in 1987; there were only a few hundred thousand yuan left in bank deposits at the beginning of 1993; in the 1970s The end of the introduction of equipment has become obsolete; workers annual income for many years lower than the average in Beijing; then sent to Germany to learn gypsum board production technology 20 backbone jumped 19 people left ... ... Many cadres and workers have enterprises