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  In my twenties, I had no idea what would matter in the long term. I’m a smart person, but I didn’t think much about my future. 1 Now, at 41, with the benefit of being wise after the event, I can see that some of my decisions mattered a lot. Here are some things that are more important in the long term than I realized.
  For one thing, you should develop your marketable skills. 2 Getting the highest level of education you are able to and want to can give you an advantage. Having a tertiary education (高等教育) or specialized training makes it easier to face the fierce competition, and the jobs available to you are often more interesting, creative, and satisfying.
  For another, you should spend your time wisely. I spent a lot of energy in my early 20s on relationships that were going nowhere. Most of my free time was taken up by my boyfriends. I knew early on I wasn’t going to marry these guys. 3 Instead of keeping my boyfriends happy, I could have used that time to work on becoming the person I wanted to be.
   4 At 23, I got engaged after six months of dating. Looking back, I barely knew my former husband, but it didn’t feel like it mattered. It felt romantic and intense. I didn’t know about stages of love, how to deal with conflict well, or how to make a marriage work. I was very green and it mattered more than I realized. Who you choose to say “yes” to makes a huge impact on your life for many years. Back to the start, I would arm myself with knowledge to choose well.
  The most important, I think, is to face your demons(惡魔). Like many young people, I had issues left over from childhood that I didn’t want to face. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I realized how important it is to deal with and take responsibility for your own issues.
Lack of transportation, being too young to get a job, or lack of job opportunities are just a few of the reasons why some teens struggle to find work. But, if y
All of us can feel happiness, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise or anger at some time but what all these words mean? They are so-called six basic emotions and ar
作者在父亲的影响下从小就喜欢写作,但父亲突患重病,生命垂危,生活的剧变使作者失去了创作的热情。为了使作者重新拿起笔来,父亲与作者进行了一场谈话。父女之间的深情让作者重燃创作之火。  I had always thought of my dad as a magician. His stylus(触笔) was his wand, and with it, he would create the w