
来源 :河南水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxh0532
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一、我国水产加工业发展概况和分析(一)我国水产业概况和水产加工产业化发展的必要性2010年我国水产品总产量为5373万吨,占全球水产品总量的1/3以上,已连续13年位列世界第一;其中养殖产量3828.84万吨,占全球养殖水产品总量的 I. Overview and Analysis of the Development of Aquatic Processing Industry in China (I) Overview of Aquaculture Industry in China and the Necessity of Aquaculture Processing Industrialization The total output of aquatic products in China was 53.73 million tons in 2010, accounting for more than 1/3 of the total global aquatic products, It has ranked the first in the world for 13 consecutive years; of which 38,288,400 tons of aquaculture production, accounting for the total amount of aquaculture products in the world