Valery等通过分析“全球疾病、伤病负担及危险因素研究(GBD 2010)”数据,首次提出了21世纪全球脑卒中概貌,结果发表在2014年1月18日的柳叶刀杂志。研究者通过全面检索Medline、Embase及LILACS等多个数据库,纳入1990―2010年发表的119个研究,涉及全球21个不同收入水平国家。应用GBD2010疾病分析技术(DisMod-MR),计算1990、2005及2010年不同收入水平、不同年龄组以及总的脑卒中相关流行病学
Valery et al. First presented the global outlook for the 21st century for stroke by analyzing data from the Global Study on Burden of Disease, Injury Burden and Risk Factors (GBD 2010), and the results were published in the January 18, 2014 issue of Lancet. The researchers included a total of 119 studies published in 1990-2010, involving 21 databases of different income levels across the globe by comprehensively searching databases such as Medline, Embase and LILACS. Using GBMD2010 disease analysis technology (DisMod-MR) to calculate 1990, 2005 and 2010 different income levels, different age groups and the total stroke-related epidemiology