Vision, Requirements and Network Architecture of 6G Mobile Network beyond 2030

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With the 5th Generation (5G) Mo-bile network being rolled out gradually in 2019, the research for the next generation mo-bile network has been started and targeted for 2030. To pave the way for the development of the 6th Generation (6G) mobile network, the vision and requirements should be identified first for the potential key technology identifi-cation and comprehensive system design. This article first identifies the vision of the society development towards 2030 and the new appli-cation scenarios for mobile communication, and then the key performance requirements are derived from the service and application per-spective. Taken into account the convergence of information technology, communication technology and big data technology, a logical mobile network architecture is proposed to resolve the lessons from 5G network design. To compromise among the cost, capability and flexibility of the network, the features of the 6G mobile network are proposed based on the latest progress and applications of the relevant fields, namely, on-demand fulfillment, lite network, soft network, native AI and native security. Ultimately, the intent of this article is to serve as a basis for stimulating more prom-ising research on 6G.
很多学生都在感叹:“作文难写,作文难写好!”为什么会出现这种尴尬局面?其原因就是自己天天待在学校,从寝室到教室,再到食堂,构成了一个非常固定的“三点一线”的生活。既然生活如此没有新意,怎么能够文中展现五彩缤纷的现实生活,怎么能够写出感慨万千、兼及天下的情怀?  难道这种现状真的不能改变吗?难道那些立意深刻、素材精当新颖的高考满分作文都是从石头里蹦出来的吗?当然不是。学生的学校生活固然“三点一线”,
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