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有幸于2013年4月20日至4月27日,在省少儿活动中心秘书长、活动部主任胡国祥同志的带领下,和省内兄弟州县及部分学校少儿活动中心负责人一行19人赴七彩云南参观考察少儿活动中心管理运营工作。在云南短暂的八天里,虽然行程匆匆,值得一提的是我们出行的目的。我们把主要精力放在了对当地少年宫的参观考察上,从北到南,先后考察了大理、昆明、西双版纳等地方的少儿活动中心。每到一处,都受到了当地少年宫负责人的热情接待,给我们详细介绍少年宫的历史、现状、师资力量、基础设施建设、开办专业、人数乃至收费、运行状况等,并带领我们一一参观每一个活动 Fortunate to go from April 20, 2013 to April 27, 2013, under the leadership of Comrade Hu Guoxiang, Secretary-General of the Provincial Children’s Activity Center and director of the activities department, and 19 persons in charge of the Children’s Activity Centers in the brother counties and some schools in the province went to the Colorful Yunnan visited the Children’s Activity Center management and operation. In Yunnan for a short period of eight days, although the itinerary is a hurry, it is worth mentioning that we travel the purpose. We focused mainly on visits to the local Children’s Palace. From north to south, we examined the children’s activity centers in Dali, Kunming and Xishuangbanna. Everywhere, have been warmly received by the person in charge of the local Children’s Palace, give us a detailed introduction to the history, status quo, teachers, infrastructure construction, professional development, the number and even fees, operating conditions, and led us to visit one by one Every activity
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