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增强自主创新能力,建设创新型国家,是党和国家立足国情、面向世界,在新的历史时期向全党和全国人民提出的伟大战略任务。建设各具特色和优势的区域创新体系,促进中央和地方科技力量的有机结合,促进区域内科技资源的合理配置和高效利用,对推进区域产业结构优化升级、转变区域经济增长方式、增强区域核心竞争力具有决定性意义。本文系教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“西部经济发展与生态环境重建研究”(课题号:04JZD0010)的阶段性成果。文章阐释了自主创新与区域产业结构优化升级的内在联系,探讨如何通过自主科技创新,为区域产业结构调整提供有力支撑的具体途径。通过作者授权,创新思维栏目将对此文分期连载,以飨读者。 To enhance the capability of independent innovation and to build an innovative country is a great strategic task that the party and the country put forward based on their national conditions and facing the world and proposed to the entire party and the people throughout the country in the new historical period. Establish regional innovation systems with distinctive features and advantages, promote the organic combination of science and technology forces at the central and local levels, promote the rational allocation and efficient use of science and technology resources in the region, optimize and upgrade the industrial structure in the region, change the mode of regional economic growth and enhance the regional core Competitiveness is decisive. This article is a milestone achievement of the key project of philosophy and social science research of the Ministry of Education, “Research on Reconstruction of Western Economy and Environment” (Project No.: 04JZD0010). This article explains the inherent relationship between independent innovation and the optimization and upgrading of regional industrial structure and discusses how to provide strong support for the adjustment of regional industrial structure through independent scientific and technological innovation. Through the author’s authorization, creative thinking column will be serialized in this article to readers.
2009年武汉市高三年级二月调考理科试卷第9题是:y=√x-3 √x+1的最大值为( )rnA.- √2 B.-2√3 C.-√3 D.-2√2rn这道题给出的参考答案为D,在评析试卷时,笔者是按照三角代换
1 2型糖尿病患者血尿酸水平的变化及机制rn血尿酸与2型糖尿病的关系是目前大家比较关注且存在争论的问题之一.样本含量较大的几项临床观察得出了相悖的结论[1,2].现研究认为
国土资源部部长 徐绍史rn2006年12月,国务院印发了(国发[2006]38号,以下简称).今年5月14日,曾培炎副总理主持召开了第二次全国土地调查领导小组会议,并决定召开这次电视电话