
来源 :现代世界警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaohonghe
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记得十几年前,辖区某皮具厂发生了一起重大盗窃案。堆放在仓库里的几十卷进口小牛皮少了十二卷,损失价值五万余元。该批小牛皮因尺寸特别,放在库房里一年多,一直未动。而库房位于车间内,钥匙放在车间主任办公室,平时车间门也是锁着的。经现场勘查,我们发现嫌疑人应该是从车间大门底下的间隙爬进去的,从主任办公室拿了库房钥匙后进行入室盗窃,然后将盗来的小牛皮从 I remember a dozen years ago, a leather factory area under a major theft occurred. Dozens of volumes of calf piled up in the warehouse landed twelve volumes, losing more than fifty thousand yuan. The calf leather because of the special size, on the store more than a year, has not been moving. The warehouse is located in the workshop, the key on the workshop director’s office, the workshop door is usually locked. After the site survey, we found that the suspect should crawl in from the gap under the door of the workshop, took the warehouse key from the office of director to carry out burglary and then stole the calf from
记得那是一个夏天,辖区发生了数十起盗窃家禽、家畜的案件。为了尽快破案,我们采取了巡逻守候的办法,以期抓犯罪嫌疑人一个现行。  每天晚上,我就会带着联防队员小张、小王两人开着警车,在乡村的道路上巡视。犯罪分子似乎很警觉,发现了我们的目的,瞬间销声匿迹,不再出来作案。可我们并未因此放弃,仍旧按部就班每天出来巡逻。连续很多天都平安无事,也算变相达到了目的。  到第十天晚上,当我们的车刚从县道驶入城区道路