《太平御览》是北宋年间官修的一部大类书,始编于宋太宗太平兴国二年(977年)三月十七日,完成于太平兴国八年(983年)十二月十九日。初名《太平总类》(一说初名《太平编类》),后来因最终定稿前夕,宋太宗命令每天进呈三卷以供“乙夜之览”,所以改为现名。 类书的编纂起源于三国时代,魏文帝曹丕令儒臣王象等编纂的《皇览》是中国类书之祖。此后,类书的编纂日益盛行,南北朝时期编写的《华林遍略》、《修文殿御览》,隋朝编写的《北堂书抄》,唐朝编写的《艺文类聚》、《文思博要》、《初学记》等,都是这种体例的著名书籍。在宋版《太平御览》中,载有《国朝会要》一节,其中说:“帝阅前代类书,门目纷杂,失其伦次,遂诏修此书。以前代《修文御览》、《艺文类聚》、《文思博要》及诸书参详条次,分定门目。”由此看来,前代类书存在分类不妥等缺陷,不便利用,遂导致了《太平御览》的编纂。另外,北宋结束了五代十国的分裂局面,为发展文化提供了较好的条件,也是该书编写活动能够开展起来的不可忽视的原因。
Taiping Royal View is a large class book of officers in the Northern Song Dynasty. It was originally compiled on March 17, Taiping rejuvenating the Taiping rebellion of the Taipingsong (March 777) and completed in the eight years of rejuvenating the Taiping reign (983). December 19 day. The first name was “Taiping General” (first name Taiping Class). Later, on the eve of finalizing the draft, Emperor Song Taizong ordered the daily submission of three volumes for the “Night of the Night” so he changed his name to the present. The compilation of class books originated in the Three Kingdoms era, Wei emperor Cao Pi Ling Confucianism and other editors of the “Emperor” is the ancestor of Chinese books. Since then, the compilation of such books has become increasingly prevalent. In the period of Northern and Southern Dynasties, “Hualin passes”, “Xiuwen Dianlan”, “Beitangshouchao” written by the Sui Dynasty, “Arts and Literature”, “ To, ”“ Beginners mind, ”etc., are all famous books of this kind. In the Song version of “Taiping Imperial Examination,” there was a section titled “The Republic of Korea Will Want,” in which it said: “Before reading the class books, It is clear that there is a defect in the classification of the previous generation of class books and inconvenience to use, which led to the ” Taiping Yu Lan "compilation. In addition, the Northern Song Dynasty ended the split of the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms, provided better conditions for the development of culture and was a reason that can not be ignored in the book writing activities.