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一年一度,机关及事业单位都要进行年度考核,一般先由个人填写年度考核登记表,写出年度总结,再由单位根据个人在单位的工作表现及实绩评鉴为优秀、称职和不称职(或优秀、合格和不合格)三个等次。年度考核既可以总结工作、积累经验、寻找不足,以利于扬长避短、更好地开展工作,又能够表彰先进、激励后进,是一项很有意义的工作。可是,现在有些单位年度考核却是搞形式、走过场,优秀、称职和不称职都是不评而定,有些单位先内定再“评”,不过是在会上通通气而已。具体来说,表现在: 一、论资排辈定优秀。不是把德、能、勤、绩和有无创新意识作为优秀的 Once a year, the organs and public institutions must carry out an annual examination. Generally, an individual must first fill in the annual examination registration form and write an annual summary, and then the unit evaluates itself as excellent, competent and incompetent based on the work performance and performance of the individual in the unit (Or excellent, qualified and unqualified) three times. The annual assessment can not only summarize the work, accumulate experience and find inadequacies, in order to help avoid weaknesses, better carry out the work, but also to recognize the advanced and inspire progress, is a very meaningful work. However, some units are now examining their annual assessment in the form of passing through the field. Outstanding, competent and incompetent people are not assessed. Some units decided to “re-evaluate” first but only at the meeting. Specifically, manifested in: First, seniority is outstanding. Not to Germany, energy, diligence, performance and innovative sense of excellence as
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不久前在央视一套热播的电视连续剧《成吉思汗》,又引起了一轮收视热潮,这部戏是5年前拍的,但时光却没有减弱它的魅力。  《成吉思汗》以全景式历史长卷的磅礴气势完整地表现了这位被称为“一代天骄”历史伟人的一生功业。剧中多次上演铁马金戈、烽火连天的宏大战争场面,着实让“历史迷”和“军事迷”们看得过瘾。我们也曾看过不少优秀的历史剧,但那些戏多限于宫闱之内的勾心斗角,很少能如这部戏一般令人有神游塞外、气吐长