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党的十六大指出,要根据社会主义精神文明建设的特点和规律,适应社会主义市场经济发展要求,深化文化体制改革,积极发展文化事业产业。我国的电视台是党、国家和人民的重要喉舌,是重要的宣传思想文化阵地和舆论工具,是文化事业产业的重要组成部分。电视业积极深化改革,不断创新电视管理体制和运行机制,是贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届三中、四中、五中全会精神,树立和落实科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会,满足人民群众日益增长的精神文化需求的重要途径,也是新世纪电视业谋求更快更好发展的战略举措。电视台的改革艰巨而复杂,既包括公益性事业部分,也牵涉经营性产业方面;既要保证宣传主业,将社会效益放在首位,也要大力推进产业发展,实现社会效益与经济效益的共赢。电视改革最紧迫的任务就是要深化内部的机制改革,进一步增强内部活力,积极推进频道专业化改革,有针对性地探索实施部分非新闻、时政类广播电视节目制播分离改革,进一步完善各项管理制度和运行机制,减少管理层次,降低管理成本,提高管理效益。同时还 The 16th National Party Congress pointed out: According to the characteristics and laws of the socialist spiritual civilization construction, we should meet the requirements of the development of the socialist market economy, deepen the reform of the cultural system and actively develop the cultural undertaking industry. The television station in our country is an important mouthpiece of the party, the country and the people. It is an important propaganda and ideological and cultural center and an instrument of public opinion. It is an important part of the cultural undertaking industry. The television industry has actively deepened reforms and constantly innovated the TV management system and operation mechanism. It is implementing the spirit of the 16th CPC Central Committee, the 3rd, 4th and 5th Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development, building a socialist harmonious society, An important way to meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people is also a strategic measure for the television industry to seek faster and better development in the new century. The reform of television stations is arduous and complex. They include both the public welfare undertaking and the operating industries. It is necessary to ensure that the main business of propaganda is promoted, social benefits are given top priority, and industrial development is also promoted vigorously to achieve a total of social and economic benefits win. The most urgent task of television reform is to deepen the reform of internal mechanisms, further enhance the internal vitality, actively promote the specialization of channel channels, and explore and implement the separation and reform of broadcasting and broadcasting of some non-news and current affairs programs in a targeted manner so as to further improve various Management system and operating mechanism, reduce management level, reduce management costs and improve management efficiency. Also at the same time
采用荧光共振能量转移技术(Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer)和微量差式扫描量热法(USDSC)考察NaCl浓度(0、40、80、120、200mmol/L)对乙酸溶液中不同质量浓度胶原(0