刘艳华 1974年从事教育工作,在基础教育这块沃土上已辛勤耕耘 27年。期间有几次转行的机会,收入可观,待遇优厚,可她都无动于衷,始终心系教育,依恋教育,立志终身从事教育。 1993年 2月,刘艳华带着领导的信任,怀着满腔激情,在教师的热切期盼下来到了绥芬河市第二小
Liu Yanhua engaged in education in 1974, 27 years of hard work in this fertile ground of basic education. Several times during the switch career opportunities, considerable income, generous treatment, but she indifferent, always concerned about education, attachment education, determined to engage in lifelong education. February 1993, Liu Yanhua with the leadership of trust, with passion, teachers eagerly look down to Suifenhe second