Patient, 62 years old, hospital number 155699. 20 years due to menopause, vaginal irregular bleeding for 1 month, diagnosed: left ovarian granulosa cell tumor. In March 12, 1994 hospitalization. 42-year-old menopause, a small amount of vaginal bleeding began to occur a month ago, lasted about 2 days after self-purification. Vaginal bleeding 8 days before admission, a slight increase in volume. Gynecological examination: atrophy of the vulva and vaginal mucosa, cervical mild hypertrophy, the normal size of the palace, the left side of the uterine palpable large cystic mass 7 × 4.5 × 4cm, activity. Diagnostic curettage pathology report (pathology 46957): endometrial dysplasia. On March 18, 1994, the Shih Tzu and double attachments and most of them