Through the “3414” design, which was unifiedly recommended by soil testing and formulated fertilization, the effect of fertilizer on Longjing 31 was analyzed. Through the different treatments of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the amount of fertilizer was adjusted appropriately to get the best Fertilizer index system. The results showed that the best fertilization amount fitted by linear plus platform model at two densities was better than that of quadratic quadratic model and quadratic quadratic model. The best fertilization amount was M1: N (urea) 154.8kg / (potassium phosphate) 192.0kg / hm2; M2: N (urea) 135.75kg / hm2, P (diammonium phosphate) 115.2kg / hm2, K (potassium sulfate) 155.2kg / hm2, M1 was higher than M2 and M1 was higher than M2.