国家级文物 《帝王黄凤纹三足香炉》珍藏版首发

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作品名称:帝王黄凤纹三足香炉高度:13cm口径:6cm肚距:30cm帝王黄一直都是清代皇室专用颜色,黄色一向是帝王专用色,黄釉瓷器更是明清宫廷用瓷,决不许民间使用。即使在叛乱不断的嘉靖时期,也严禁民间使用,民窑即使可用金彩,也不可以用黄釉瓷。明黄色是黄金的颜色,中国封建朝代里,从唐朝开始,明黄即是皇帝专用颜色,黄袍被当作封建帝王的御用服饰,黄者,君之服也,它是皇权的象征。拥有帝王黄的瓷器不仅能够彰显出高贵的气质和身份,也是招财进福的祥瑞之物。这款帝王黄凤纹三足鼎将高贵的帝王黄色与中国传统吉祥凤纹相结合,色彩饱满绚丽,器形高贵典雅,在香炉的顶盖出还绘有祥云纹图案,是帝王黄瓷器中难得的精品之作。原物被伪满皇宫博物馆收藏,此次特授权古尘艺术品有限公司制作发行。 Name of work: Emperor Huangfeng three-foot incense burner Height: 13cm Caliber: 6cm Gap: 30cm Emperor Huang has always been the royal color of the Qing Dynasty, yellow has always been the king’s special color, yellow glaze porcelain is the Ming and Qing court with porcelain, No private use. Even in the reign of the Jiajing period, non-governmental use was strictly forbidden. Even if the kiln can use gold color, it cannot use yellow glazed porcelain. Bright yellow is the color of gold. In the feudal dynasty of China, from the Tang Dynasty, the Yellow Emperor was the special color of the emperor, the yellow robe was used as the imperial dress of the feudal emperors, and the yellow person and the emperor served. It was a symbol of imperial power. The emperor’s porcelain is not only able to demonstrate noble temperament and identity, but also auspicious things for lucky money. This emperor’s yellow phoenix tripod tripod combines the noble emperor yellow with the Chinese traditional auspicious phoenix pattern. The color is full of splendour, the shape is noble and elegant, and the top of the censer is also painted with a cloud pattern, which is the emperor’s yellow porcelain A rare masterpiece. The original was collected by the Puppet Palace Museum and was authorized by the ancient dust artwork company.