脑血栓形成是指脑动脉因粥样硬化致血栓形成而引起管腔狭窄与闭塞,从而可使其灌流领域的脑组织缺血、缺氧进而坏死软化的病理过程。产生脑血栓常见的病因为脑动脉粥样硬化,常伴有高血压。高血压、高脂血症或糖尿病可加速动脉硬化的发展。美国波士顿大学William Hollander等发现:动脉粥样硬化或动脉变硬,在某种程度上是一种自身免疫性疾病,是由血中某些异常脂质的IgG抗体的作用所致,
Cerebral thrombosis is the pathological process of cerebral ischemia, hypoxia, and necrosis and softening of cerebral tissue in the perfused region due to stenosis and occlusion of the lumen due to thrombosis caused by atherosclerosis. A common cause of cerebral thrombosis is cerebral arterial atherosclerosis, often accompanied by hypertension. Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, or diabetes can accelerate the development of arteriosclerosis. William Hollander and colleagues at Boston University in the United States have found that atherosclerosis or hardening of arteries is, to some extent, an autoimmune disease caused by the effect of some abnormal lipids in the blood by IgG antibodies.