经国家体育总局批准,“东北亚 青少年接力马拉松大会”将于2002年8月11~25日在中、韩两国举办。“大会”中国赛区名称为:“东北亚(中日韩)青少年接力马拉松大会”。 本届“大会”主办单位为中国田径协会和韩国东北亚文化交流会,中方承办单位为北京中关艺术公司。参加国家和地区为中国、韩国、日本、中国香港特区、澳门特区、著名大学和高中的学生400余人及中、韩两国十四个城市约8万马拉松运动爱好者。数万青少年聚首在朝气蓬勃的中国大陆和美丽的朝鲜半岛,开展竞赛、联欢活动,这是国际马拉松历史上的一次盛会。“大会”
Approved by the General Administration of Sport of China, “Northeast Asian Youth Relay Marathon Conference” will be held in China and South Korea from August 11 to August 25, 2002. “Assembly” China Division name: “Northeast Asia (China, Japan and South Korea) Junior Relay Marathon”. The current “General Assembly” organizers for the China Track and Field Association and South Korea Northeast Asia cultural exchange, the Chinese organizer for Beijing Zhongguancun Arts. More than 400 students from China, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, prestigious universities and high schools in China and about 80,000 marathon runners in 14 cities of China and South Korea participated in the conference. Tens of thousands of adolescents gathered in the vibrant mainland China and the beautiful Korean Peninsula, to carry out competitions and galas, which is a grand occasion in the history of international marathon. “General Assembly”