一、“泛珠三角”9省产业整体成长中可能会遇到的问题 泛珠三角区域合作,实质是通过各地分工与合作进行产业整合,是一个“竞合互补”的产业整体成长过程。由于9省发展现状和经济基础不同,在整合过程中必然会遇到一系列的问题和障碍。 1.分工体系不合理,产业结构“同构化”、“低度化” ①广东与周边8省产业分工体系,由于我国实行省部级两级管理的行政体制,各省从自身产业发展的整体性和产业结构的层次来考虑,都建成了较完整省区产业结构体系。为保护本地产业发展,相应搭建一系列地方产业保护壁垒,使得省际产业分工水平低下甚至不存在。 ②受“大而全、小而全”建设思想影响,各省内部形成重复建
I. Possible Problems in the Overall Growth of 9 Pan Provinces’ Pan-Pearl River Delta Industries Pan-PRD regional cooperation is essentially a process of industrial consolidation as a whole with the division of labor and cooperation across industries. Due to the different development status and economic base of 9 provinces, a series of problems and obstacles are inevitably encountered in the integration process. 1. unreasonable division of labor system, the industrial structure “isomorphism”, “low degree of” ① Guangdong and the surrounding eight provinces division of labor system, due to China’s implementation of the administrative system at the ministerial and provincial levels, the provinces from the overall development of their own industries Sex and the level of industrial structure to consider, have built a more complete industrial structure of the provincial system. In order to protect the development of local industries, a series of barriers to the protection of local industries have accordingly been set up so that the level of inter-provincial industrial division is low or even non-existent. ② Influenced by the construction thought of “big but complete, small but complete”, the interior of the province is formed repeatedly