根据环境的不同,插花布置的手法和要求是有区别的。如展览馆、宾馆大堂、会议室等大型公共场所,以西方式插花或现代自由式插花为主,要求体量大,数量多,色彩丰富。如居室等小型空间范围,则以东方式插花为主,只需少数小体量的插花作品点缀,即可达到锦上添花的作用。 展览馆插花布置 这种场合的插花布置,首先是区域划分,因参展单位众多,若无指定场所和地段,不但给布展造成混乱,而且参观者也难觅自己钟爱的参观内容。划好区域,再布置插花,可使参观者兴趣盎然,如今年5月在深圳高交会馆举办的“首届中国国际插花花艺博览会”,组委
According to the different environment, flower arrangements and requirements are different. Such as exhibition halls, hotel lobbies, conference rooms and other large public places, flower arrangements to the West or the modern free-style flower-based, large volume requirements, the number of rich colors. If the living room and other small space, then the East-based flower arrangement, only a small amount of flower arrangement embellishment, you can achieve the icing on the cake effect. The arrangement of floral arrangements for the arrangement of flower arrangements in this exhibition hall is mainly divided into regions. Due to the large number of exhibitors, the absence of designated places and lots not only creates confusion for the exhibition but also makes it difficult for visitors to find out their favorite items to visit. Draw a good area, and then arrangement of flower arrangements, visitors can make full of interest, such as the May of this year in Shenzhen High-Cross Fair Hall organized the “first China International Flower Arrangement,” Organizing Committee