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浙江省历史悠久、文化灿烂、山青水秀,素有丝绸之府、鱼米之乡、文物之邦的美誉,是全国七个重点旅游省区之一,拥有各具特色的民族风情、五彩斑斓的文化艺术、亚热带风光以及一些观赏性较强的工业、农业、科技项目,旅游资源丰富。2000年全省旅游总收入达到473亿元,相当于国内生产总值的7.9%。旅游产业已日益成为我省国民经济的支柱行业。因此,建立一套中国特色的旅游产业统计指标体系,全面反映旅游产业的发展现状、结构和变化趋势,以及旅游产业对整个国民经济的影响和作用,是当前迫切需要研究和解决的重要课题。 Zhejiang Province has a long history, splendid culture, beautiful mountains and rivers, is known as the Silk House, Yumizhixiang, relics of the state reputation, is the country’s seven major tourist provinces and autonomous regions, with its own unique ethnic customs, colorful arts and culture , Subtropical scenery and some ornamental industries, agriculture, science and technology projects, rich in tourism resources. In 2000, the province’s total tourism revenue reached 47.3 billion yuan, equivalent to 7.9% of the GDP. Tourism industry has increasingly become the pillar industry in our province’s national economy. Therefore, setting up a set of index system of tourism industry with Chinese characteristics to fully reflect the status quo, structure and changing trends of the tourism industry as well as the impact and impact of the tourism industry on the entire national economy is an important issue urgently needed to be studied and solved.
TheYaltaConferenceinFebruary 1 94 5actuallybroughtChinawithinthesphereofAmericaninfluence ,andtheSovietUnionalsomadethecommitmenttos TheYaltaConference in February 1 94 5actuallybroughtChinawithinthesphereofAmerican influenza, andtheSovietUnionalsomadeth
作  者篇      名期页政 治  理 论冷 溶新时期马克思主义党建学说的新发展 15  ———进一步深刻理解“三个代表”的重大意义杨守明毛泽东、邓小平国际战略
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○哲学·政治○论辨证思维在创新中的作用苏 越 ,汪海燕 (1 .1 )………………………………………………………………………………………马克思的实践创生自由观贾 丹 ,肖仲
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