1979年5月22日上午,中国中医研究院西苑医院会议室脆响的掌声经久不息,这里又一位博士研究生顺利通过论文答辩,人们纷纷将祝贺的掌声和鲜花,献给精神矍铄白发苍苍的导师和她的学生。老人风趣的语言,独特的见解,渊博的学识使与会者由衷地钦佩。她,就是我国著名的中医妇科专家,今年82岁高龄的傅方珍教授。 博览群书,融汇古今 1915年4月傅方珍出生于浙江宁波。少年时期,
On the morning of May 22, 1979, there was a prolonged applause from the meeting room of the Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Another Ph.D. student passed the thesis defense smoothly. People all applauded the applause and flowers to the spirits. Hair teacher and her students. Humorous language of the elderly, unique insights, profound knowledge so that participants heartily admired. She is the famous Chinese gynecologist, 82-year-old Professor Fu Fangzhen this year. Book Fair, integrate ancient and modern April 1915 Fu Fangzhen was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang. Teenager,