引子: 申奥成功的热情还在激 荡着中国人的心,笔者狂喜 之余,也不禁生发了一些思 考。这次申办过程中,从政 府到普通国民上下一心、全 力争取。我们甚至许诺投资 数百亿进行体育场馆和相关 的基础建设。究竟为什么? 因为奥运在中国举办,可以提高国际形象、可以展现中国国力、可以刺激经济发展,我们有太多的理由相信我们花费的时间和精力是值得的。 同样,对于中国的纳米技术、纳米产业的发展,也同样会面临一个“轻重缓急”的问题。目前,纳米技术相关新闻已经在报纸上屡见不鲜,而股市更是把纳米
Primer: The enthusiasm for the success of the Olympic bid is still stirring the hearts of Chinese people, while I ecstasy, can not help but germinal some thoughts. During the bidding process, we worked hard from the government to the common people. We have even promised to invest tens of billions of dollars in stadiums and related infrastructure. Why? Because the Olympic Games held in China can enhance the international image, demonstrate China’s national strength and stimulate economic development, we have too many reasons to believe that the time and effort we spend are worth it. Similarly, for China’s nanotechnology, the development of nanotechnology will also face a “priority” issue. At present, the relevant news of nanotechnology has been common in the newspapers, and the stock market is the nano