调节膦 Fosamine.化学名称为氨基甲基磷酸乙酯铵盐,是植物生长调节剂。有关材料报道,调节膦有增产、矮化、增糖、抑制副梢生长等多种功能。据此于1985年做了喷布调节膦对葡萄诸方面的影响试验。结果证明:调节膦对控制葡萄的营养生长、提高产量品质、增强树势、促进光合作用、提高座果及延迟秋叶变色时间均有明显效果。一、材料和方法试验在我场四号路葡萄园进行,选用树势比较近似的6年生玫瑰香葡萄,株行距2×2.8米,架高2米,采用无主干多主
Regulates phosphine Fosamine, a chemical name for ammonium methyl aminophosphate, is a plant growth regulator. Relevant materials reported that the regulation of phosphine with stimulation, dwarfing, increased sugar, inhibit the growth of a variety of functions and other tips. In accordance with this in 1985 made a spray to adjust the impact of phosphine on various aspects of the test. The results showed that the regulation of phosphine has significant effects on controlling the vegetative growth of grapes, improving yield and quality, enhancing tree vigor, promoting photosynthesis, improving fruit quality and delaying discoloration time of autumn leaves. First, the material and method test in my field on the 4th Road vineyard, the selection of tree vigor is more approximate 6-year-old Muscat grape, spacing of 2 × 2.8 meters, 2 meters high, using non-main multi-master