虽然我常常以平民自居,常常将我的职业等同于其他手艺工匠的一般性职业,但在我内心总还藏着一份骄傲;毕竟作家这个行当与这个世界所有别的行当都有根本不同,它是模仿上帝的特殊职业。它创造新的事物和人,它建立新的秩序和规律,对于人类最要紧的——它可以对它创造的人随心所欲,如同上帝(或称造物主)。 作家的职业是模仿上帝去创造。它与上帝的本质不同在于上帝凭空创造,从无中生有,而作家没有无,也无法从无中生什么,作家充其量是有中生有,如此而已。
Although I often consider myself a civilian and often equates my occupation with the general occupation of other craftsmen, there is always a hidden pride in me; after all, the writer is fundamentally different from all the other professions in this world, It is a special occupation that imitates God. It creates new things and people. It establishes a new order and law. It is of the utmost importance to mankind - it can do whatever it wants, like God (or creator). The writer’s job is to imitate God to create. It differs from the essence of God in that God created it out of thin air and born out of nothing, and that writers have nothing and nothing from nothing.