国际空间站的建造将于今年拉开序幕。本刊记者特意走访了国防科技情报所的有关专家,获得了许多珍贵资料,特奉献给广大读者。 到目前为止,全世界共发射了多少空间站? 自1971年4月,前苏联发射了世界上第一个空间站“礼炮1”号以来,载人空间站已有27年的发展历史。前苏联/俄罗斯发射了8个,美国1个,一共发射了9个空间站。 根据空间站的结构,空间站分为两类,一类为单模块空间站,运载火箭一次就可把它送入轨道。如7个“礼炮”号空间站和美国的天空实验室,其特点是规模较小,一般不能连续长期载人,大都采用短期有人照料的工作方式。
The construction of the International Space Station will kick off this year. This reporter deliberately visited the National Defense Science and Technology Intelligence Office of the relevant experts, access to many valuable information, special dedication to our readers. How many space stations have been launched so far in the world? Since April 1971, the Soviet Union has launched its first space station, the Salyut 1, for 27 years. Eight were fired by the former Soviet Union / Russia and one by the United States, and a total of nine space stations were launched. According to the structure of the space station, the space station is divided into two types, one is a single module space station, and the carrier rocket can be put into orbit once. Such as the seven “Salute” space station and the United States sky laboratory, which is characterized by smaller, generally not continuous long-term manned, mostly short-term care of people work.