目的探索一种实用的外来儿童免疫预防长效管理机制。方法建立村级卫生联络员外来儿童报告制;实施幼托机构、学校预防接种证查验制;偏远山区、居住分散、交通不便的地区采用上门现场建卡、建证,疫苗接种“关口前移”管理方法;开展经常性查漏补种工作制;设置临时预防接种点;建立全方位宣传教育长效机制等。结果落实村级公共卫生联络员底层网络建设,宁海县417个行政村,每村配备一名公共卫生联络员;经随机抽查224名外来儿童,结果显示:建卡率为91.07%,五苗全程接种率为95.09%;根据西店等5个乡镇(街道)96所幼儿园、20所学校2 954名儿童(学生)查验证工作,五苗补种齐全2 745名,补种齐全率为92.92%。结论经过3年的系统研究,提出了村级公共卫生联络员外来儿童报告制度和“老乡”式的宣传模式,为外来儿童免疫预防管理建立了“关口前移”的创新管理模式,制定了查验证和临时接种点的规范,通过实践取得明显成效。
Objective To explore a practical long-term immunization prevention mechanism for children. Methods To establish reporting system for foreign children at village health liaison departments; to implement the system of child care institutions and school vaccination certificates; remote mountainous areas, scattered living areas and inaccessible areas should be built on the site with card, card, vaccination “Management methods; carry out regular leak detection replanting work system; set up temporary vaccination point; establish a full range of publicity and education long-term mechanism. Results The network construction of village-level public health liaison staff was implemented. There were 417 administrative villages in Ninghai County and one public health liaison in each village. After 224 random samples of foreign children, the result showed that the rate of establishing cards was 91.07% The vaccination rate was 95.09%. According to the survey of 2 954 children (students) in 96 kindergartens in 5 townships (sub-districts) in Xidian and other places, the number of seedlings replanted was 2 745 and the complete replanting rate was 92.92% . Conclusions After three years of systematic research, a village-level public health liaison officer’s reporting system for foreign children and the propaganda model of ”villagers“ have been put forward to establish an innovative management mode of ”crossing the border" for the prevention and control of foreign children’s immunization , Developed a verification certificate and temporary vaccination point specifications, achieved significant results through practice.