红枫(Acer Linn.PalmatumThunb.)又名紫红叶鸡爪槭,是重要的园林色叶树种。因红枫用种子播种繁殖,出苗后生长较缓慢;扦插成活率又低等因素的影响,非常不利于产业化的发展。而红枫通过“青枫”(毛脉槭Acer Linn.Pubinerve Rehd.)嫁接后,高、粗生长
Acer Linn.PalmatumThunb., Also known as purple maple leaf maple, is an important garden color leaf species. Red maple seed sowing and breeding, growth after emergence more slowly; cutting survival rate and low factors, is not conducive to the development of industrialization. The red maple by “Green Maple ” (Maple Acer Linn. Pubinerve Rehd.) After grafting, high, coarse growth