Twenty rabbits were divided into two groups: one group was normal rabbits and the other group was rabbits with acute poisoning of sodium tartrate (SAT). Respectively remove the sinoatrial node - atrial muscle specimens. Using floating microelectrode to guide the action potential, we observed the effect of SAT on two groups of specimens. SAT in both groups can lead to the following changes: the amplitude of action potential of pacemaker cells, the average depolarization rate of 0-phase and the depolarization rate of diastole increased, the duration of action potential (APD_ (25), APD_ (50), APD_ (90)); the amplitude of action potential of atrial myocytes increased, the duration of action potential (APD_ (25), APD_ (50) and APD_ (90)) increased; the amplitude of atrial contraction increased, increase. Various types of arrhythmia were also observed: premature beat, esophageal stroke, paroxysmal tachycardia and bradycardia, post-early post-depolarization and late post-depolarization. The above effects of SAT may be related to the increase of intracellular Ca2 +. We also observed that the above-mentioned changes of rabbits in the acute toxicity group of antimony agent are less than that of the normal rabbits, and we speculate that this may be related to the inhibitory effect of antimony agent intravenous injection in the myocardium.