介绍了西南某市水厂对双阀滤池进行的技术改造,包括对结构、进水系统、滤板系统、出水系统、反冲洗系统等所作的调整。改造后的运行结果表明,改造后的V型滤池运行稳定,出水水质较改造前有显著提高,出水水质稳定在0.5 NTU以下,最低可达到0.2 NTU。滤池运行自动化程度显著提高。改造滤池较新建滤池节约投资500万元。
The technological transformation of double-valve filter in waterworks of a certain city in Southwest China is introduced, including the adjustment of structure, water inlet system, filter plate system, water outlet system and backwashing system. After the transformation, the operation results showed that the V-shaped filter after the transformation was stable and the effluent quality was significantly improved compared with that before the transformation. The effluent quality was stable below 0.5 NTU and the lowest was 0.2 NTU. The degree of automation of filter operation is significantly improved. Reconstruction filter than the new filter to save 5 million yuan investment.