挤压综合征(Crush syndrome):是指四肢或躯干等肌肉丰富的部位遭受重物长时间(大于1 h)压榨或挤压,当压迫解除后,出现的以肢体肿胀,坏死,高钾血症,肌红蛋白尿以及急性肾损伤为特点的临床综合征。挤压综合征多发生于房屋倒塌,工程塌方,交通事故等意外伤害中。在战争,发生强烈地震等严重灾害时可成批出现。此外,偶见于神志不清或昏迷状态中,肢体长时间被固定体位的自压而成~([1])。本科2015年12月收治1例此类患者,经积极有效的对症治疗及精心的护
Crush syndrome: refers to the extremities or trunk and other muscle-rich parts of the heavy object for a long time (more than 1 h) squeezing or squeezing, when the pressure is relieved, there limb swelling, necrosis, hyperkalemia Symptoms, myoglobinuria, and acute kidney injury are characterized by clinical syndromes. Crush syndrome occurred in the collapse of houses, engineering landslides, accidents and other accidental injuries. In the war, a strong earthquake and other serious disasters can occur in batches. In addition, occasionally in the unconscious or unconscious state, the limbs for a long time by the self-pressure of fixed position ~ ([1]). Undergraduate in December 2015 admitted to 1 such patients, the active and effective symptomatic treatment and meticulous care