厂矿企业工程技术人员担负着企业的产品科研、技术开发、设计、工艺、现场施工和技术管理等繁重任务,是企业专业技术队伍的主体力量,其人数一般占本企业专业技术人员总数的45%以上,对企业的发展贡献巨大。这支队伍在企业转换经营机制、加快改革步伐、走向市场的新情况下,虽然从中也涌现了一批佼佼者,但相当多的人员明显不适应形势发展,不利于企业的生存与发展。 一、当前企业工程技术人员中存在的突出问题 1. 人才使用效益低。据调查,在企业工程技术人员中,至少有7.4%的人闲着没有事做,57%的人只发挥出不到一半的能力,在工作中发挥了全部能力和作用的人大约20%。有关统计数据也表明:每100名工程技术人员有44.3人的能
The engineering and technical personnel of factories and mines are responsible for the arduous tasks of product research, technology development, design, technology, on-site construction and technical management. They are the main force of the professional technical team of the enterprise, and their number generally accounts for 45% of the total number of professional and technical personnel of the enterprise. The above has contributed greatly to the development of the company. Although this team has emerged from the midst of a new situation in which companies transform their operating mechanisms, accelerate the pace of reforms, and move toward the market, a considerable number of people obviously do not adapt to the development of the situation and are not conducive to the survival and development of the company. I. Conspicuous problems in the current enterprise engineering and technical personnel 1. Low use of talent. According to the survey, at least 7.4% of the company’s engineering and technical personnel have nothing to do with idleness, 57% have used less than half of their abilities, and about 20% have used all their abilities and roles in their work. The statistics also show that there are 44.3 people per 100 engineering technicians.