General information on clinical data: 1 males and 4 females, aged 28 to 46 years old, 40 cases over 2 cases. Clinical manifestations: This group of 4 female patients were diagnosed with diabetes after childbirth or induced abortion. Hemorrhagic anemia caused by cervical tearing, infective shock in 3 cases, placenta previa 1 case of hemorrhagic shock admitted to hospital. 4 cases of typical symptoms of diabetes before pregnancy and during pregnancy. One patient was diagnosed with diabetes during hospitalization for chronic recurrent pancreatitis. Laboratory tests: urinary sugar (+++) in 1 case, (+++) in 4 cases, urinary ketone positive in 4 cases, fasting blood glucose in 17.8-47.3mmol / L and plasma osmolality> 310mOsm / L in 4 cases. Misdiagnosis: This group was hospitalized due to the lack of typical symptoms of 1 case of suspected diabetes. Four of them were infused glucose in district hospitals