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快灭灵40DF是美国FMC公司研制的新型禾谷类作物田除草剂。在小麦4~6叶期,喷施快灭灵40DF22.5g/hm2对麦田新的优势阔叶草种(野老鹳草、泽漆)具有较好的防效,对大巢菜和繁缕的防效为80%~85%,但是对禾本科杂草无效;快灭灵40DF与异丙隆50WP混配使用,可以提高含禾本科杂草、繁缕和大巢菜的总草防效,小麦增产显著;快灭灵40DF与甲黄隆或者巨星混配后,对阔叶草(野老鹳草、泽漆、大巢菜和繁缕等)的防效达90%以上;施用快灭灵40DF45~67.5g/hm2,小麦叶片出现白色斑点中毒症状,但不影响小麦产量。 Kill Ling 40DF is the United States FMC company developed a new crop of cereal herbicides. In wheat 4 ~ 6 leaf stage, spraying fast off spirit 40DF22.5g / hm2 on the wheat field new dominant broadleaf grass (wild geranium, Ze lacquer) has good control effect on the large vetch and chickweed Control effect is 80% ~ 85%, but the grass weeds invalid; fast off spirit 40DF and isoproturon 50WP mixed use, can improve grass weeds, chickweed and big vetch total herb control effect, The yield of wheat increased significantly. After the combination of julomene 40DF and julianlong or giant star, the control effect on broadleaf grass (wild geranium, lacquer, big vetch and plumbum, etc.) reached more than 90% 40DF45 ~ 67.5g / hm2, white spot poisoning symptoms of wheat leaves, but does not affect the wheat yield.
将桔小实蝇Bactrocera(Bactrocera)dorsalis(Hendel)(Diptera:Tephritidae)卵和各龄幼虫置于低温下测定,获得对低温忍耐力最强的2~3龄幼虫接入龙眼DimocarpuslongganLour果实中,置于1℃(±0.1℃)下,至果心温度达到此温度时,然后储藏13d,感染在龙眼果实中的2~3龄幼虫100%被杀死。 The 2n