
大中电机:创百年品牌 兴民族工业

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【出 处】
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品牌寄语品牌就是价值,就是质量,就是客户的美誉度。电机产品作为装备产业极为重要的支撑,能体现出中国制造的水平,也是振兴民族工业的基础,是大国利器。“创百年品牌兴民族工业”是我们的企业愿景,要在电机企业林立的形势下脱颖而出,就必须固本培元,化挑战为机遇,走出自己的品牌发展之路。“中国制造2025”给了我坚定的信心,我坚信,振兴民族工业品牌,带领大中到世界电机的舞台上一决高下,创世界级百 Brand message Brand is the value, is the quality, is the customer’s reputation. As a very important support for the equipment industry, the motor products can reflect the level of manufacturing in China as well as the basis for rejuvenating the national industry. “Create a hundred-year brand Xing national industry ” is our business vision, to stand out in the motor business everywhere, we must consolidate Peiyuan, the challenge of opportunity, out of their own brand development. “Made in China 2025 ” gave me a firm confidence, I firmly believe that rejuvenating the national industrial brand, leading the Dazhong to the world motor stand-alone, creating a world-class hundred
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