绿色壁垒,是指在国际贸易领域,以保护环境和人类健康为名义,凭借科技和经济优势,通过制定苛刻的条件,限制国外产品 准入的贸易壁垒。它的起因,一是全球日益严重的生态灾难促使人们提出保护环境的要求:二是贸易保护主义的抬头。绿色壁垒是一个相对的概念,采取的措施只被用来保护坏境时,是一种合法的且予以鼓励的措施,但若超出了适当原则,被用来限制进出口贸易时,
Green barriers refer to the trade barriers that limit the access of foreign products by establishing harsh conditions in the international trade in the name of protecting the environment and human health by virtue of technological and economic advantages. Its causes, firstly, the increasingly serious ecological disasters in the world urge people to put forward the requirements of protecting the environment; secondly, the rise of trade protectionism. Green barrier is a relative concept. It is a legal and encouraging measure to take measures only to protect the environment. However, if it is used to limit import and export trade beyond the proper principle,